I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night
Cheryl Lee
copyright Apr 2008
I've been in the market for a new everyday scent. I'm picky about my perfumes and colognes, since I am prone to allergies and migraines, and also because I work in customer service. A scent must be alluring, make me feel feminine, but not too flashy, floral, or loud.
Talk about your loud scents - I found one at Wal-Mart this time by KISS!
Yes, the band KISS has a scent out for women. And this is powerful stuff. Just at the sight of the box, my fingers of their own volition went into the "rock and roll" sign. Didn't think much of it, as a lot of things can make me make that sign.
The cellophane-wrapped package had a scratch-n-sniff decal. Curious, I scratched and, well, sniffed. Suddenly the soles of my shoes shot up four inches!
Shaken but intrigued (and trying not to stumble in platform heels), I bought some at the self-checkout (didn't want any innocent cashiers touching the box til I had a chance to investigate further) and took it home.
After unloading the bags, I took my new treasure to the bathroom, unwrapped the cellophane. Actually holding the bottle in my hand, I could feel my clothes begin to transform into black and silver spandex. Rock riffs began when I took off the lid. Spraying a test spray into the room, I heard full-on music and saw fireworks. Checking to make sure the kids were busy, I boldly went forth and sprayed some down my top (which was considerably more low-cut than I remembered putting on that morning).
When I looked in the mirror, I had white makeup on with a big black star over one eye. I was holding a bass guitar, and joined right in the singing. My cat came to investigate the racket, took one look at me, and ran squalling.
My two boys by now wanted to know what was going on, and when they walked into the scent-cloud, their outfits changed to look like mine, and they were suddenly wearing makeup, too. And the lil one had a really really long tongue! Funny, I always figured him for a drummer. We rocked that bathroom stage for hours.
Well, so much for an every day scent. Skintight spandex isn't exactly "business casual." Besides, with my current physique, who wants to see that?
Should be fun to wear to go out every once in a while, though. And I can't wait to see my Sweetie tonight...I got him the body spray for men. We'll finally have someone to wear the cat makeup, since the actual cat wimped out on us!
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